Dormition Cathedral
As the community of ascetics gathered around St. Anthony grew, the physical limitations of the caves, even with expansions, could not keep up with growth. To solve this problem the idea came to them to build a church above ground. Circa 1062, St. Theodosius, as hegumen, found a convenient place not far from the cave, and, with St. Anthony’s blessing, he asked Prince Izyaslav for this land in order to build a new monastery. Soon a large wooden church of the Dormition of the Theotokos was built, along with cells and an enclosing wall. (One record has Varlaam, the hegumen prior to St. Theodosius responsible for building this church in 1058.) The brotherhood moved there in 1062, and the monastery quickly grew to something on the order of 100 ascetics.
- St. Catherine Monastery
- Near Caves
- The All-Saints Church
- Museum of historical treasures of Ukraine
- Desiatynnaya Church
- State Museum of Music, Theatreand Cinema of Ukraine
- Far Caves
- The Refectory Church
- Museum of Miniature