Babi Yar Memorial to killed children
Teligi Eleny
It was established in front of the entrance of metro station Dorogogichi in 2001.The sculpture is made of bronze and dipicts broken toys.
- Memorial sign to Kiev defence participants
- Babi Yar - The Road of Death
- Memorial to died workers of the Cable Factory
- Monument to Motherland defenders
- Memotial to Motherland defenders
- Memorial to died workers and students of the Physical therapy Institute
- Memorial to Death Match footballers
- Memorial to shot mentally disabled people
- Memorial to Death Match footballers
- Memorial to Jewish Holocaust victims
- Memorial to Sofievskaya Borschagovka soldiers
- Memorial sign to shot patients
- Memorial to Sovka village soldiers
- Monument to soldiers-defenders (mass grave)
- Babi Yar Memorial to Victims
- Memorial sign - the Alley of Glory
- Memorial to died workers of Dovjenko film studio
- Memorial sign to Kiev defence participants
- Memorial to died Armenians
- The obelisk on Victory Square