Golda Meir
Basseinaia 5-А
Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel on March 17, 1969,[2] after serving as Minister of Labour and Foreign Minister. Israel's first and the world's third woman to hold such an office, she was described as the "Iron Lady" of Israeli politics years before the epithet became associated with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.[3] Former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion used to call Meir "the best man in the government"; she was often portrayed as the "strong-willed, straight-talking, grey-bunned grandmother of the Jewish people".
- Podil Synagogue
- The First Talmud Torah
- House, where Sholem Aleichem lived
- Museum of historical treasures of Ukraine
- Central Synagogue
- House where Natan Rakhlin lived
- House where Ilya Ehrenburg lived
- House where Jewish writers lived
- Ginzburg guest house
- House where Moshe Beregovski lived
- Former Jewish nursery school
- Bessarabian Market
- Jewish Cemetery in Babi Yar
- House where Janusz Korczak lived
- Babi Yar Memorial to Jewish Holocaust victims
- Former merchant synagogue
- House where Mark Warshavsky lived
- Former Jewish chapels
- Jewish Charitable Fund “Care Hesed Avot”
- Former Barishpolsky synagogue